About us

Got a reason why you are here?

It's because we're good at what we do. We're good at Internet marketing. We're good at net stuff i.e from search engine optimization to online branding, campaign management and affiliate marketing, website design and web development.

We have Internet marketers, content writers and web designers, a team of successful, hands-on professionals who can design and customize an Internet marketing campaign to get the results and traffic you need and build a presence.

Coderea Technologies, a full web related firm, has been successfully optimizing, marketing, managing and promoting websites since 2003.

Our clients, ranging from major media companies to local individuals to cutting edge technology sites, receive Coderea's customized analysis of the strengths and opportunities of their Internet presence.

Our initial analysis of your Internet presence is free, as is your customized, Internet marketing plan. From there, you can choose to use our free Internet Search Engine Optmization tools, or continue with one of our affordable marketing plans, which will be based on your company's budget and the aggressiveness of your Internet marketing goals.

We brought you here. Now let us bring your customers (and traffic) to you.
